February 12


How an Organized Home Can Save You Money

By Amy

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There are many benefits of organizing your home.  But did you know that getting organized can save you money?  Check out these 3 ways organizing can put more money in the bank!


WHY am I always buying CORN?

As if you didn’t need another reason to get your home clean and organized… did you know that organizing your home can save you money?

That’s right!  Getting your house organized can save you cold, hard cash.  You work hard for the money you bring home.  The last thing you need are budget leaks because your home is disorganized.  A decluttered home with simple organizing systems in place can help you save a decent amount of money.

Let’s check out 3 financial benefits of organizing your home.

Avoid Buying Things You Don’t Need

First, getting your home organized is a great way to avoid buying things you don’t need.

When your stuff is organized, you can see what you have.  As a result, you’ll be able to avoid buying unneeded duplicates of things you already have.

For example, let’s say your closet is overstuffed.  Maybe you’ve ended up with 2 extra pairs of black pants because you can never find your favorite pair.

Or let’s say you’re perpetually buying cans of corn (I used to be right there with you!) because the 3 cans of corn you already have are hidden behind those 6 cans of green beans.

When your closet, pantry, and the rest of your home are organized, you can see what you have.  You’ll save money by avoiding buying duplicates.

Sell Things You Don’t Need

Making money is kind of like saving money, right?

Selling things you don’t need after decluttering and organizing your home is a great way to make money!

This is a benefit of organizing that a lot of people don’t think about.  But consider the untold dollars that might be hiding in your closet, attic, or basement!

You can try selling stuff you don’t need at a garage sale, or on a site like Poshmark or Craigslist.  You might even try selling clothing and kid’s toys at a local consignment store.

Getting rid of clutter in your home and selling it for cash is an often overlooked, but totally awesome, benefit of organizing your home.

Use the Things You Have

One of the other money benefits of organizing your home is that you’ll use the things you have.

When your stuff is organized, you’ll see it.  You’ll know what you have.  And if you know what you have?  You’ll use it!

So, how does this save money?

Let’s talk about those 3 cans of corn from earlier.  You know, the ones behind the 6 cans of green beans.

When your house is disorganized, chances are you really don’t know what you have.  And if you don’t know you have it, you can’t use it, right?

So those 6 cans of corn, for example.  They’ll probably expire before you use up the 6 cans of green beans that they’re hiding behind.  That means money down the drain.

This doesn’t apply only to food, either.  It also applies to clothes you don’t wear, toys your kids don’t play with because they’re lost in the chaos of the playroom.  It even applies to the tangle of makeup and hair products lurking in your bathroom.

When your stuff is organized, you’re more likely to use it.  As a result, you’ll protect the investment you made when you bought it, and take advantage of them while they’re still of use.

3 Money-Saving Benefits of Organizing:  Conclusion

There are so many benefits of organizing your home.  It saves time, saves your sanity, but it can also save some of your hard-earned money.

Organizing and decluttering can help you avoid buying duplicates, put extra cash in your pocket by selling things you don’t need, and help you use the things you already have.  If you’re ready to get your home organized, check out my post on how to start organizing your home and where to start organizing your home!

Want even more helpful cleaning and organizing tips for working women?  Join the ShowMe Suburban community and learn simple habits and routines to keep your home clean and organized, so you can relax away from work without feeling the stress of a messy home.  Sign up below!


About the author

Amy has always worked hard on her career, but the dusty, cluttered, disorganized mess she came home to caused her tons of stress. Everything changed when she sat down and created a simple but unique cleaning checklist. Over time, she has transformed her dusty, disorganized house into a tidy, relaxing haven of a home. Today, it's her mission to help other career women achieve the same results at home.

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