May 22


How to Build Self Esteem and Motivation With a Simple Exercise

By Amy

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Feel stuck in life and want to feel better about yourself?  This simple exercise will help you gain momentum, step by step, and improve your self esteem in the process.

My face burning with embarrassment, I snapped the lid of the plastic tub closed and pushed it to the back of my closet.

No one else was around, but my heart raced with mortification.

I couldn’t believe I’d let it get that bad.

I also couldn’t believe that I’d ever be able to fix it.

How a Simple Self Esteem Exercise Can Make Your Life Better

The little steps we take each day move us toward our goals… or keep us stuck in the same place.  For a long time now, most of my days have been supported by the force of positive momentum, and I rarely get stuck.

The occasional migraine or low motivation spell have thrown me off course here and there.  But overall, I feel good about myself, and I generally accomplish the things I need and want to accomplish.

I know it might sound like I’m bragging here, and I assure you that’s not the case.  I’m only highlighting what this little exercise has done for me.

It ensures that no day in my life is wasted, and that I’ve accomplished something important to me.

It’s one of the many little nudges I give myself to keep on track and continue moving forward.  As a result, my life is better.

What IS this little exercise?

Celebrating everyday wins.

Celebrate Everyday Wins to Build Self Esteem and Momentum

Consciously celebrating everyday wins and achievements can improve self esteem and create positive momentum.

Have you ever added something to your to-do list after the fact, just so you could cross it off?

If you have, then you understand the power of celebrating everyday wins.

If you’re anything like me, you’re an achiever.  You enjoy getting things done.  Any time you live up to the ideal of the person you want to be, your chest flutters with excitement.

Sometimes you might feel like you’re in a funk.  Or maybe you had a setback and you’re feeling less than confident.  You might be facing some pretty big goals and you feel stuck.

One possible solution?  Start celebrating everyday wins.

Why Celebrate Everyday Wins?

For many people, achievement results in positive momentum.  When we accomplish something, we feel better about ourselves, and it makes us want to accomplish more.

By celebrating or acknowledging everyday wins, you might be able to increase your feelings of positive self esteem and momentum.

What IS as an Everyday Win?

Everyday wins will be different for each person.  The guiding principle is probably something like this:

A small action taken toward living your values or achieving your goals.

Here are a few examples from my own life.

One of my values is to maintain order in my home and life.  My favorite little win to start the day?  Making my bed.

It takes about a minute, and I do it every single day.  But taking a few quiet moments in the morning to step back and admire my beautifully made bed usually motivates me to keep making productive choices throughout the day.

Another little win I celebrate?  Putting my laundry away.  It bothers me big time to live out of a laundry basket.  So, I record one of my favorite shows on DVR, and I only get to watch it when I’m folding and putting away my laundry.

I also have a daily writing goal for my blog.  And when I hit it, you bet I do a little happy dance!

When I choose a healthy snack, I give myself a pat on the back.

One more example… I strive to be kind, no matter what.  As a result, reacting with kindness and empathy is an everyday win for me.

How to Celebrate Everyday Wins

Everyday wins deserve everyday celebrations.  A little congratulations and a small, joyful gesture are all it takes.  Here are some suggestions.

Congratulate Yourself

First, give yourself a little pat on the back for getting something done.  Take a moment to soak in the way you feel just after achieving that small win.  It’s a simple exercise, but each time you do it, you’ll add a grain of sand to your self esteem beach.

Have a Mini Celebration

Next, you might want to take some small action that feels like a celebration to you.  Remember to keep it small, though.  We don’t want you expecting a cookie every time you achieve an everyday win.  If you did, your jeans wouldn’t fit anymore!

How can you celebrate everyday wins?  Like I said, do something that feels like a little celebration to you.

  • Dance
  • Call or text a friend or family member to share wins
  • Write it in a journal (physical or electronic… as of this writing, I’m enjoying the Daylio app for quick tracking and journaling)
  • Share your win on social media and ask others to share their wins for the day as well
  • Have an extra treat (candy, tv show, etc), as long as it doesn’t derail your other goals
  • Quietly admire your work (My favorite way to celebrate wins)

How to Build Momentum With Everyday Wins

Once you’ve celebrated a small win, you might feel a little boost in your self esteem.  That whisper of elation is exactly what you’re going for!

Use that feeling to build positive momentum by achieving another everyday win.

So you made your bed, and you’re feeling good.  Next, Take the stairs when you get to work.  After that, make the stressed out grocery store cashier laugh.  Do a little laundry when you get home.  Take some time before bed to journal.  And pat yourself on the back after each one!

The little boost your self-esteem gets from small, positive, goal-based actions will leave you feeling elated.  It will also motivate you to keep taking more of those actions.  You might want to plan some small steps to take toward your goals each day, so you’ll never run out of fuel to keep building your momentum.

Building Self Esteem and Momentum With Everyday Wins:  Conclusion

If you feel stuck in life and aren’t feeling great about yourself, you can change that.

Take small daily actions toward living your values and achieving your goals.  Then, celebrate those little achievements, and savor how you feel about yourself when you take a little step forward.  Finally, continue taking those small daily actions, and celebrate them as everyday wins.  You’ll build positive momentum, and improve your self-esteem in the process.

P.S. – Remember My Plastic Tub?

That day I closed the plastic tub in embarrassment…

It was because I’d gained 20 pounds one semester in grad school.  And I felt like I’d never lose it.

But bit by bit, small win by small win, I got my eating and exercising habits back on track.  Each time I had a healthy meal, went for a run, or took the stairs, I had the same reward.  I’d open up that plastic tub, pull out my favorite jeans, and see how far I could wiggle into them.

It was super exciting to feel them get a little looser each time… definitely felt like a celebration to me!  My self esteem grew as I saw how committed I could be, and each time I had an everyday win, I wanted to have another one.

Until one day, I pulled those jeans on, and they fit.  But the best part?  I felt great about myself because over the course of 3 months, I’d stacked up a healthy pile of everyday wins.  As a result, I was inspired to make positive changes in other areas of my life, too.

What’s your favorite way to celebrate everyday wins?  Let me know in the comments below!


About the author

Amy has always worked hard on her career, but the dusty, cluttered, disorganized mess she came home to caused her tons of stress. Everything changed when she sat down and created a simple but unique cleaning checklist. Over time, she has transformed her dusty, disorganized house into a tidy, relaxing haven of a home. Today, it's her mission to help other career women achieve the same results at home.

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